• Feel Better Today

    A safe & gentle approach to wellness that provides immediate relief. Learn the transformational breathing, voice, movement and sound training Joseph has taught to over 10,000 people. The benefits are immediate, providing pain relief, deep relaxation, energy boost and more.

  • Gentle Improvement

    Reduce pain and anxiety with the most gentle and effective methods available. Using the proven methods that help you change habits and get new life through your own breathing, movement and meditation. Plus learn to work with others and help everyone in your life.

  • Easy & Inspiring

    A fun process, accessible to all ages and ability levels. Easier than yoga or any exercise, it leads to greater benefit that exercise or meditation alone. This is a safe process that has helped thousands of people get the most out of life every day, even when in major process of recovery.

10,000 People

Have trained with Joseph for life changing results.

Improvement starts happening right away. Using gentle movement, breathing and visualization, pain is immediately reduced and everyday function improves. Life improves with this training, fast. For yourself, your family or your profession, this training will bring you to a new level of freedom, happiness and a great feeling every day. Based on the transformational breathing & voice training Joseph taught in top conservatories and universities, plus his 20+ year private practice of the Anat Baniel Method, based on the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, plus his semi-monastic training in Tibetan Buddhism. Plus his 20+ years professional work with singing bowls and lifetime playing musical instruments.

In Depth Wellness Training including Breathing, Movement, Voice, Sound & Meditation

Discover the rhythm of your life with this gentle process.

Course curriculum

    1. How To Play Singing Bowls

    2. Chakra Meditation With Sound

    3. Using Sound In Your Spiritual Practice

    4. The Drum & Trance State

    5. Music Theory & The Harp

    6. Native American Style Flute & Breathing

    7. How To Conduct A Sound Healing Session

    8. How To Record Various Instruments

    1. Movement Lesson 1: Twisting Spine Calibration

    2. Breathing Lesson 1: Letting Go

    3. Voice Lesson 1: Touching Your Sound

    4. Movement Lesson 2: Torso Coordination

    5. Breathing Lesson 2: The Full Breathing Pattern

    6. Voice Lesson 2: Sighing and Connecting To Your Voice

    7. Movement Lesson 3: Spine Mastery

    8. Breathing Lesson 3: Counteracting Habits

    9. Voice Lesson 3: Vocalizing Vowels

    10. Movement Lesson 4: Back Strength & Flexibility

    11. Breathing Lesson 4: Energy and the Power of Breath

    12. Voice Lesson 4: Expressing Your True Self

    13. Movement Lesson 5: Advanced Coordination

    14. Breathing Lesson 5: Breathing For Life

    15. Voice Lesson 5: Daily Practice

    1. Refuge, Bodhicitta and the Preliminary Practices (Buddhist)

    2. Intention, Action and Setting Clear Motivation (Non-Buddhist)

    3. The 100 Syllable Mantra and Using The Handbell (Buddhist)

    4. Meditating On a Syllable or a Word (Non-Buddhist)

    5. The Treasury Of Blessings (Shakyamuni Buddha Empowerment)

    6. The Expanding Self Meditation (Non-Buddhist)

    7. Clear Sky Meditation (Buddhist and Non-Buddhist)

About this course

  • $297.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Holistic Training

More Than Singing Bowls

Sound is one of the access points to your inner life and your connection to others. We help every area of life by working on the fundamentals of awareness, breathing, voice and movement. Learn easy meditation, instant stress relief, reverse age related limitations, eliminate aches and pains, improve communication, reduce anxiety and increase joy in your life. Immediate results - feel better today plus learn how to help others!

Client Testimonials

Results vary. What would you like to improve?

“I have more energy, less pain, feel lightweight, less tense – more comfortable in every position. My perspective is more positive. This is the new me.”

“When I came in, I was getting a migraine. An hour later and my headache is completely gone – I can’t believe it!”

“I can lift my arm above my head for the first time in 3 months. I can't explain it but I am very relieved.”

“The voice work has literally changed my life. I'm more confident and happy in every situation. I never knew I could feel this way. I use it every day and can't thank you enough!”